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Male breast reduction a growing trend in UK

A growing number of men are interested in gynaecomastia, or breast reduction surgery, according to newly released data from UK-based cosmetic surgery network SurgiCare.
Specifically, the network has reported a significant increase in the amount of male breast reduction inquiries made at SurgiCare clinics, comparing January 2009 to 2008. This finding complements figures from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, who has stated that a total of 323 male breast reduction cosmetic surgery procedures were carried out in 2008, up 44% from 2007.

According to SurgiCare, the data suggests that British men are becoming more concerned about their appearance, with problems ranging from classical cases of gynaecomastia, to breasts enlarged by deposits of fat over the pectoral muscles.

The breast reduction surgery trend may be attributed to the growing number of UK men who are obese and look to take a surgical shortcut; however, many BAAPS members contend that this is not the only sole reason. Hormonal imbalances, such as pubertal gynaecomastia, may cause the ailment, as well as Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Furthermore, gynaecomastia may be a side effect of drugs prescribed for prostate cancer treatment.

Cosmetic surgery experts say one key factor in the rise of male breast reduction procedures is that more men are feeling pressure with regard to appearance, an issue traditionally only felt by women.

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