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Skin Lesions/Cancers

At Fitzwilliam Clinic we offer treatment for a number of different types for skin lesions / cancers:
  • Skin Tumours
    • Benign
    • Malignant
  • Keloid Scars

Skin tumours:


Benign skin tumours are merely an aesthetic annoyance. Benign tumours of the skin include warts, moles, skin tags, seborrheic keratoses, and molluscum growths.

A lot of people seek to have them removed. The usual method for removing benign tumours is cutting them out under local anaesthesia, which is a relatively simple and quick procedure.

As a general rule, any skin blemish that is removed should be sent for microscopic examination even though it may appear harmless.  There is always a slight risk that one which appears benign is actually malignant.



A malignant melanoma is a pigmented cell tumour that begins in a pigmented area or birthmark. These tumours can vary in appearance. A classic melanoma has dark, sometimes nearly black pigmentation, and irregular borders.

Any pigmented spot that changes colour or appearance, itches, bleeds or begins to spread should be removed and examined to be sure that there are no pre-cancerous cell changes in it.

Malignant melanomas can be fatal, but most of these tumours can be completely cured by surgical removal of the tumour and a little of the surrounding tissue.


What does the surgery involve?

Most of these procedures can be done under local anaesthetic which will numb the area. Sutures may need removed in 5 – 7 days.

If a lesion is sent to the laboratory for testing the results are usually back in 10 – 14 days. Occasionally a further wider excision of the area is required which will also be examined at the lab.


Keloid scars:

A keloid scar is a scar that continues to grow – encroaching upon normal tissue and causes a scar to grow into a bump and grow beyond the edges of the original incision or damage in the skin and is quite definitely raised.

It may need specific treatment which is usually done under local anaesthetic.  Post operative pain is usually minimal.  Sutures are usually removed in 4 – 6 days from the face and 7 – 10 days from other parts of the body. Dissolving stitches may be used.

Sometimes the treatment of keloid scars involves the injection of steroids which will usually shrink the scar without the need for surgery.


Scar revision

Normally at least a year should pass before a scar correction is performed, so that the scar has had a chance to soften and perhaps improve spontaneously.

Scar revisions are normally performed under local anaesthetic. The old scar is removed by one of several plastic surgery techniques and is repaired. All new scars will initially be red.  Fading occurs within 6 – 24 months depending on the scar’s location and the patient’s skin type.

All scars can be massaged with moisturiser once the healing is complete and the area pain free.


Laser treatment

N-Lite V medical Laser treatment for acne scarring is possible to push the scar outwards. A course of 3 – 5 treatments may be needed and treatments are performed every 2 weeks. This will give a moderate improvement to the scarring and an overall improvement to the condition of the skin. Inflammation and spots can also be reduced and the skin’s natural mechanism for repair is stimulated.

Skin rejuvenation can be achieved with N-Lite V by visibly reducing the appearance of wrinkles and crow’s feet.  A course of  3 – 5 treatments is needed 2 weeks apart. The laser light penetrates the blood vessels stimulating the body’s natural healing process to build collagen from beneath so gradually pushing the wrinkles out.

Vascular lesions are treated with a higher energy beam which destroys the problem blood vessels that cause the blemishes, whilst leaving healthy skin unharmed.


For further information on any surgical procedures or
to book a consultation, please contact us at:

Fitzwilliam Clinic, 70-72 Lisburn Road, Belfast
Tel: 028 9032 3888
Email: [email protected]