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A facelift is an operation to tighten and lift the soft tissues of your face and neck. As a result your face will appear firmer and fresher making you look younger

Is it suitable for me?

As we all get older, gravity pulls down on the skin and soft tissues of the face – causing them to sag.

You are more likely to benefit from a facelift if you have one or more of the following signs of ageing on the face and neck:

  • deep folds in the skin on the sides of your nose and mouth
  • sagging cheeks
  • a double chin or folds in the skin of your neck

A facelift will not correct the visible signs of ageing in the upper face. It does not remove crow’s feet, wrinkles or eye bags but these could be treated at the same time as a facelift.

What does the surgery involve?

A facelift involves the skilful removal of excess facial skin from the neck, chin and cheek areas. It can be done under local anaesthetic with sedation or general anaesthetic.

Starting high in the hair at the temple area, the incision courses down following the curves in front of the ear round the earlobe and up behind the ear before curving gently back into the hair again. It may be necessary to add an incision under the chin which is also well hidden. Using these incisions on both sides, the skin and deep tissues are remodelled and re-draped. Stitches secure layers of tissue and incisions and metal clips may be used on the scalp. The scars will be hidden around your ears or in your hairline and will usually fade over 3 -6 months.

What can I expect?

Your surgeon will discuss your expectations and the probable outcomes of the surgery.

Your expectations need to be realistic. For most patients the effects of facelifts last well, so that even years later they’ll continue to look and feel younger. The results of any facelift should be lasting but remember the procedure cannot stop the ageing process.

What happens after surgery?

After surgery there will be bruising and swelling that may last for 3 – 4 weeks and any pain experienced can be controlled by oral medication. You may be asked to keep your head elevated for a couple of days to keep any swelling down.

After 7 – 10 days bandages or drains are removed and you may then take a shower and wash your hair. Sutures are also removed within 7 – 10 days to ensure that scarring is minimal.

It is normal for there to be some numbness of the skin of the cheeks and ears. This will usually disappear in a few weeks or months.

It is important to avoid direct sunlight for several weeks after surgery.

What is the recovery time?

After a few months your face will feel normal and you should be delighted with your new, more youthful and relaxed appearance.

What should I do about my medication?

You should continue with your normal medication unless you are told otherwise. Let your surgeon know if you are on warfarin, clopidogrel, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs as these are more likely to cause you to bleed after your operation.

For further information on any surgical procedures or
to book a consultation, please contact us at:

Fitzwilliam Clinic, 70-72 Lisburn Road, Belfast
Tel: 028 9032 3888
Email: [email protected]