Learn about Ear Correction – Otoplasty procedures at Fitzwilliam Clinic

Ear Correction – Otoplasty

Ear surgery aims to restore the normal shape, balance and proportions of the ear.

Procedure time1-2 hours
Anaesthetic typeLocal
Day case or overnightDaycase
Downtime/recovery1-2 weeks

Ear Surgery

Our consultant Mr Michael McBride FRCS (Plast) describes the ear procedures available at Fitzwilliam Clinic.

Your ear is composed of cartilage, soft tissue, muscles and the overlying skin.  The shape, position and / or proportion of your ear may be altered from birth or may be apparent with development or following trauma or surgery.  Ear surgery aims to restore the normal shape, balance and proportions of the ear.  Common procedures include correction of ear prominence (Otoplasty), other ear shape anomalies, repair of split ear lobes and reduction of ear lobe size.   

Prominent Ear Correction

Our consultant Mr Nicholas Hodgins FRCS (Plast) describes a prominent ear correction procedure.

Book a consultation to discuss ear correction – otoplasty

To book a consultation to discuss your options for ear correction – otoplasty, contact us using the following:

    Our Ear Correction – Otoplasty Specialists

    Our team of consultant surgeons and anaesthetists are on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council and in possession of Certificates of Completion of Training.

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