Patients often wonder what to expect following surgery. This is perfectly natural and with 20 years + experience in surgical management we know how to help you achieve the best possible outcome following your bespoke and individualised surgical procedure.
We know the importance of a patient being able to enjoy the ultimate peace of mind. We make sure you have knowledge at every stage of your healing journey in relation to what to expect and the part you play in assisting your recovery and importantly, what you should not do i.e. exercise, heavy lifting etc.
These frequent interactions and ongoing access to expert care ensures any issues or concerns are managed quickly and appropriately. The process typically involves the following aftercare for your ultimate peace of mind:
- Patient discharged on the day of the procedure with the reassurance of this robust care package:
- written instructions
- medications and / or a private prescription for medication
- our 24-hour emergency telephone number which is managed by one of our own, fully trained and qualified Staff Nurses who will be able to provide advice as needed and / or escalate to the Consultant for their input if needed.
- Next day telephone call from our qualified and experienced Staff Nurse to check that you are comfortable which also affords an opportunity to chat about any arising concerns or additional questions.
- An in-person review appointment, usually for 7 days’ time, dependant on the type of surgery, to remove dressings and receive new advice on how best to assist your recovery and manage the healing process in a bid to minimise any scarring and shorten the healing timeframe.
- Further nurse and consultant review appointments as deemed necessary by the Consultant, particular to your surgery and healing. Dependant on the type of surgery you have had and how you are healing these appointments are made as deemed necessary and can be required for 6 months or more.