Learn about Breast Reduction procedures at Fitzwilliam Clinic
Breast Surgery

Breast Reduction

A breast reduction is a cosmetic operation to make your breasts smaller, and sometimes to improve their shape.

Procedure time2-3 hours
Anaesthetic typeGeneral
Day case or overnightDay case – No drains
Downtime/recovery2 weeks

Breast Reduction

Our consultant Mr Michael McBride FRCS (Plast) describes the process.

Disproportionately large breasts relative to your overall figure can cause both physical and emotional distress. The size and weight of large breasts can cause a variety of medical problems including: 

  • Neck, shoulder, back pain.
  • Shoulder indentations – Bra strap grooving.
  • Chronic headaches.
  • Persistent or recurrent skin intertriginous infections, rashes, maceration, and irritation.
  • Self-image impact – loss confidence, emotional distress, self-consciousness, and social stigma (feeling people are staring at their breasts).
  • In extreme cases, degenerative arthritis of the cervical and thoracic spine
  • Wardrobe concerns – difficulty finding suitable bra and clothes that fit – often needing much large size tips compared to bottoms.
  • Difficulty undertaking exercise, limitations in physical activity and ability to lead an active life

Breast reduction is a procedure to remove excess breast tissue and skin to achieve a breast size and shape more in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts.  Breast reduction can change a patient’s life – potentially alleviating several of the discussed medical problems and it has a high patient satisfactions rate and been shown to improve self-image.  It can also help patients who are unhappy with the shape, size, weight, and droopiness of their breasts

Breast Reduction

Our consultant Mr Nicholas Hodgins FRCS (Plast) describes the process of breast reduction.

Book a consultation to discuss breast reduction

To book a consultation to discuss your options for breast reduction, contact us using the following:

    Our Breast Reduction Specialists

    Our team of consultant surgeons and anaesthetists are on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council and in possession of Certificates of Completion of Training.

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