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T: 028 9032 3888

Why use a BAAPS member?

Fully Trained

BAAPS Members are fully trained Plastic Surgeons. They have undergone a rigorous training programme. Currently this involves six years training in recognised training centres, undergoing regular assessment and examinations. They are taught cosmetic surgery in lectures, tutorials, courses and by demonstration. They are assisted in their early operations by experienced surgeons.

Registered with GMC

BAAPS Members are on the Specialist Register of Plastic Surgeons maintained by the General Medical Council. You can always check whether a surgeon is on the Specialist Register by telephoning the General Medical Council Registry line 0161 923 6602.

N.H.S. Consultants

BAAPS Members are all eligible to, or have taken up, Consultant Appointments in Plastic Surgery in the NHS.

GP Liaison

BAAPS Members accept referrals from General Practitioners and, if the patients are agreeable, keep the GPs informed of treatments.

Ongoing Training

BAAPS Members regularly attend instruction and scientific meetings organised by BAAPS. They also attend scientific meetings organised by sister National and International organisations.

Bupa Recognised

BAAPS Members are recognise by BUPA, PPP and other Health Insurance companies, although cosmetic surgery is not reimbursable, many related procedures are part of the medical treatment and reconstructive and would therefore be covered.

Reputable Clinics

BAAPS Members work in reputable hospitals and clinics- -eg. the private wings of NHS Trust hospitals, BUPA, Nuffield, Columbia Healthcare, The Wellington, The Portland. Within these hospitals they are working alongside other specialists able to give supporting care, who are also on the GMC Register in thier own fields.

Unparalleled Knowledge

BAAPS Members have a breadth and depth of knowledge so that can fully advise patients of the range treatments available.

Consultation not Sales

You will have a consultation with our member who will give his/her professional medical opinion which is based on his/her assessment of your needs. You will be told if a procedure is not appropriate as well as the range of procedures that would be appropriate to you. At no pont will you be sold an operation. We are not salesmen on commission or employed by a profit making clinic or healthcare company whose only motive is profit.

Flying the Flag

BAAPS is recognised by The Surgical Royal Colleges (The Royal College of Surgeons of England, The Royal College of Surgeons of Scotland and The Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland) as the legitimate professional body representing the field of cosmetic surgery. Our offices are situated within the Royal College of Surgeons.

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