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The Vein Clinic – Modern Vein Care

If the thought of shedding trousers and baring your legs fills you with dread, take heart. There are treatments that can dramatically improve the appearance of unsightly thread veins.

Thread veins are tiny blood vessels which run close to the surface of the skin and look like fine red or purple wiggly lines. They are sometimes called broken veins, although the veins aren’t in fact broken but slightly enlarged.

There is no obvious cause to thread veins. They tend to develop as we age and our skin and blood vessels become less elastic. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and the menopause are thought to provoke their development which is why women are more prone to them than men.

At The Fitzwilliam Clinic you can book a consultation and/or treatment tailored to your individual needs. In most cases, non-surgical treatments are performed as modern vein care often avoids the need for traditional surgery.

We are offering a 10% discount on microslerotherapy treatments (not including consultation fee), which can be ideal for small veins and thread veins, for the months October, November and December 2014. Simply contact The Fitzwilliam Clinic quoting code FWC13.

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