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This procedure is a lifting of the skin of the forehead often combined with some removal of underlying muscle and tissue to give a more youthful appearance to the upper part of the face. Surgery will correct drooping of eyebrows, loose skin and give some improvement to facial lines.

What does the surgery involve?

Usually four incisions behind the hairline will be made, each less than one inch long. An endoscope, which is a pencil-thin camera device that is connected to a television monitor, is then inserted through each incision in turn, enabling the surgeon to see the muscles and tissues beneath the skin. He will then remove some of these to produce the smoother and younger looking forehead. When the incisions are closed, they are done so horizontally to give additional lift to the brow.

How long does it take?

The operation usually takes 1-2 hours to complete. The procedure on its own can be carried out as a day case or with one night in hospital under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with intravenous sedation.

What can I expect?

Your expectations need to be realistic. Most patients are pleased with the outcome and find that sagging eyebrows can be lifted to a higher level. There is usually swelling around the eyes after surgery which takes a few weeks to settle. Hair is sometimes lost around the scalp incisions and if this is the case it can take several months to re-grow.

What happens after surgery?

Patients may experience numbness and mild swelling but any discomfort should be minimal and easily controlled by medication. You may be told to keep your head elevated for two to three days following surgery to control swelling. Bandages are removed one or two days following brow lift surgery and sutures or metal clips removed in 10 days to two weeks. The scars will usually fade over 3 to 6 months and you will have follow-up visits in the months after surgery to check on your progress.

What is the recovery time?

Most patients are on their feet in a couple of days and back to work within two weeks. Strenuous exertion should be avoided for about a month, along with prolonged exposure to the sun. The average recovery time is between two to three weeks depending on the individual patient.

For further information on any surgical procedures or
to book a consultation, please contact us at:

Fitzwilliam Clinic, 70-72 Lisburn Road, Belfast
Tel: 028 9032 3888
Email: [email protected]